July TBR | Fantasy, Horror and Romance Books to Read

Hello lovely readers, happy almost July! I’m hoping the weather will pick up here in Ireland for July. It has been wet and dreary most of June. We did have the occasional sunny day but it’s been mostly wet and grey. I just want to lounge outside and read. Is that too much to ask, Madam Weather?

I had great ambitions for June but sadly I fell short. I hope to pick up the pace in July and read at least four books. I’ve picked out way more than that, but I like having options. I will definitely read Not Another Love Song by Julie Soto and very likely read Beneath The Cursed Stars by Lexi Ryan. I loved their previous books so they’re high on my list.

What are you planning to read in July? Link your TBR in the comments so I can check it out 📚😄

July TBR

  • Not Another Vampire Book by Cassandra Gannon – Romance, Paranormal, Vampires, Wizards, Comedy, Books about Books
  • Five Brothers by Penelope Douglas – Contemporary, Reverse Harem, Romance, Dark
  • Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay – Horror, Mystery, Contemporary
  • Not Another Love Song by Julie Soto – Contemporary, Romance, Musicians
  • Middle of the Night by Riley Sager – Thriller, Mystery, Contemporary
  • Beneath These Cursed Stars by Lexi Ryan – Fantasy, Romance, Fae, Young Adult

Summer of Romantasy TBR

Check out the full post here.

I am falling miserably at this readathon. It’s been a month and I’m still on my first book. To be honest, I’m not really surprised by this. I’m a firm member of the Slow Readers Club now but I would really like to read at least two more books from this list.

  • Peaches & Honey by R. Raeta – Fantasy, Romance, Historical, Mythology
  • That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon by Kimberly Lemming – Fantasy, Romance, Comedy, Novella
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Not Another Love Song by Julie Soto

Two string players fight their attraction for each other as they compete for center stage in this spicy and emotional romance.

Gwen Jackson and Xander Thorne are both musical prodigies, but each has had very different paths to success. Xander was born into classical music royalty, while Gwen had a natural ear for music that was nurtured by a kind shop owner.

After Gwen performs at his friend’s wedding, she’s mortified when she realizes Xander has no clue who she is—despite having worked together for a year at the Pops Orchestra. But she’s more furious that he arrogantly critiques her performance.

When Gwen is offered the role of First Chair of the orchestra, something Xander had secretly coveted for years, their existing hostility goes up a notch. But their respect for each other’s music is undeniable, and their onstage chemistry off the scale. As they begin to explore their feelings for one another, suddenly they’re box office dynamite and the fragile romance that’s growing between them is in danger of being crushed beneath a publicity stunt…

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Beneath These Cursed Stars by Lexi Ryan

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Lexi Ryan comes a romantic fantasy in which a human princess armed with death’s kiss and a fae shifter on the run become unlikely allies when a mission to assassinate an evil king collides with a fatal prophecy.

Princess Jasalyn has a secret. Armed with an enchanted ring that gives her death’s kiss, Jas has been sneaking away from the palace at night to assassinate her enemies.

Shape-shifter Felicity needs a miracle. Fated to kill her magical father, she’s been using her unique ability to evade a fatal prophecy.

When rumors of evil king Mordeus’s resurrection spread through the shadow court, Jasalyn decides to end him once and for all. Felicity agrees to take the form of the princess, allowing Jas to covertly hunt Mordeus—and starting Felicity on the path that could finally take her home.

While Jasalyn teams up with the charming and handsome Kendrick, Felicity sets out to get closer to the Wild Fae king, Misha. Kendrick helps Jasalyn feel something other than anger for the first time in three years, and Misha makes Felicity wish for a world where she’s free to be her true self. Soon, the girls’ missions are at risk right alongside their hearts.

The future of the human and fae realms hangs in the balance as fates intertwine. Between perilous tasks, grim secrets, and forbidden romances, Jasalyn and Felicity find that perhaps their stars are the most cursed of all.

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Peaches & Honey by R. Raeta

A shapeshifting god,
an immortality granting peach,
and a woman gifted with forever.

England, 1184: Anna is used to hunger and hardship. Ever since she was seventeen, when the pale shadows of her vitiligo were spotted, she has spent more than a decade struggling to survive alone and in exile. Then a single act of kindness towards a beautiful stranger and the taste of a divine peach changes Anna’s life forever.

Suddenly, her body is as untouched by Time as it by harm. As she watches the world change around her, knowing every human connection is only temporary, there is only one person she trusts to always return no matter the years or distance…

The shapeshifting god who gifted her with immortality.

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