Favourite Things from April

Hello May, goodbye April showers! Can I get a hooray for sunny days ahead? 🌞 I don't know about you, but I'm positively buzzing with excitement for what this new month has in store. But hold up a sec, let's give April a little credit where it's due. Despite the rain, it actually turned out … Continue reading Favourite Things from April

Favourite Things from March

Happy April, dear friends! This month's favourites will be short and sweet cause I've been under the weather lately. Hope you're all doing well 💜 Favourite Book: Bride by Ali Hazelwood https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bride-bestselling-author-Love-Hypothesis-ebook/dp/B0C8SP1QRN?crid=21OIFIM5Z2PMJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nrciq54RX7ERqK9dSH5NGKe4fwRtuzFVtKnRlp9EzCLszy4sCzuRVQXEEqsSS_LVLhklK4W8mSgnAT9pacNK0hjUVyUgoE5LonEvDiCXdo698RRUuVpsjK6YujOae4ElbzYnfIs_BXXwuO2BuoK2MpxKM-YdvQRITmNL8pVp-QqMCEb9jVfxaBJTaSctZ59IaNJ-JTIGW99d-nDPvCSD3G9xLaRwxWNIklCg3qkefak.5NyeFtxG4ygzPbLSeTV5xrvPmD6tgrpIa6YIeVz2Jw0&dib_tag=se&keywords=bride+ali+hazelwood&qid=1712137853&sprefix=bride%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-1&linkCode=ll1&tag=elainehowlin-21&linkId=949ab0ceca2cef925dc9ddf6e14bd3d0&language=en_GB&ref_=as_li_ss_tl Ali Hazelwood's first paranormal romance was a lot of fun to read. It was exactly what you expect from this genre so I … Continue reading Favourite Things from March